Tam Dao National park is located in Vinh Phuc, Thai Nguyen, and Tuyen Quang provinces. It lies within the catchment of two main rivers: The north-east face of the massif lies within the catchment of the Cong river, while the south-west face lies within the catchment of the Day river.
Most of the streams and rivers in the national park are steep and fast flowing. The weather here is tropical climate. In the rainy season from April to October, 90% of the total rainfall occurs and the mean annual rainfall is around 2800 mm.
Biodiversity values:
Tam Dao includes 21,982 ha of natural forest and 1,351 ha of plantation forest. The natural forest has two main types: lowland evergreen forest and lower montane evergreen forest. At the height 700- 800 metter, people can see floras of lowland evergreen forest but this forest is strongly degraded. It can be seen a high diversity of tree species here the Fabaceae, Dipterocarpaceae, Meliaceae, Burseraceae, Myrtaceae and Anacardiaceae families being well represented. Lower montane evergreen forest is distributed above 800 m. There is no tree from the Dipterocarpaceae family here but people can see a large number of trees from Fagaceae, Lauraceae, Magnoliaceae, Aceraceae, Theaceae, Hamamelidaceae, Sapotaceae and Ericaceae families.
Tam Dao National Park also supports some of the highest levels of recorded insect diversity in Vietnam.
Tam Dao National Park qualifies as an Important Bird Area because of its importance for the conservation of biome-restricted bird species. In particular, the site supports a number of biome-restricted species that are known from few other sites in Vietnam, such as Blue-naped Pitta Pitta nipalensis, Purple Cochoa Cochoa purpurea, Chestnut-headed Tesia Tesia castaneocoronata, Pale-footed Bush Warbler Cettia pallidipes and Greater Rufous-headed Parrotbill Paradoxornis ruficeps.